Wednesday 9 July 2008

InPin Revisited. 9th July 2008

Overnight, I realised how much of my life has been taken up by this thing since we agreed the mission.

And it's another cracker of a day. So it must be game on.

We drive round to the mountain rescue post at Glen Brittle and start our ascent. The going is really hard; yesterday was a 9 1/2 hour day and the effects of the heat are now hitting hard.

Or is it that the spectre of the InPin is working it's way insidiously into my psyche.?

Probably both because I'm tired and worried. We take a slightly different route to the summit ridge and summit Sgurr Dearg (the main peak) in good order following some exposed traversing.
When we get there, there is already a guy trying to summit via our route, so we kick back and rest in the sun. I have already made my mind up not to summit. I'm too tired and frankly I'm worried about the task. InPin just sits there, telling my sub conscious that it's better than me and that I have been right to be scared this last six months.

I mean, come on. I'm not a climber. I hate heights. Maybe 283 Munros is good enough.
The guy trying to summit, makes it. We all clap for him; what an achievement. When he abseils back down we learn that this is his 284th Munro - he's a compleater!

The girl/boy duo who helped him there now help their dad to do the same.

And all of a sudden 2 people have tackled our route and succeeded.

Next up is Ginja and he makes it look so bloody easy, one wonders why he placed protection.

I get myself settled down to watch the Verdes Team make their attempt, sure in the knowledge that I myself will not be.

Once Ginja is set up, Rich S goes first and I try hard to spot for him after the crap conditions of Monday. Once past the crux moves, its apparent that he's going to make it.

Thank God. A Verdes success.

...and then... I don't know what happened. I was walking calmly to get my harness. I got fastened in and was roped up. I didn't act on John's excellent spotting, I was going my way. I'd got into my stickies without really thinking and had not even removed my buff, which was worn pirate style.

At no point was I intimidated, this was a fear that had to be laid to rest.
Today. Now.

I summited InPin to a delighted Ginja and Rich S.
... and the black dog that had followed me for so long ran off whimpering.

I abseiled back down after letting a party through to find the boys ready to go.

... and then John did it....

... and then Rich M did it.....

I know it's soft, but once we were all back on terra firma, it was my proudest Verdes moment.
We executed a swift descent back to the car which saw Rich S do some off piste Ghyll scrambling, which also saw him fall in, bashing his head and drawing blood - numpty!.
And so the Skye mission was complete and all that was left was a piss up and a long drive home.
InPin was kind enough to let us get to the top the second time. Day 2 was immense.
.. and Ginja the Ninja is still king of the hill.
Thanks mate. We couldn't have done it without your help.
What we gonna do next?

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