After a sleepless night, we set off round to Glen Brittle to have a go at the InPin.
The summits were covered in cloud as we left and this bode ill for our route in. After parking up we set off up into the corrie and that's when the rain started.
After a few attempts to negotiate a safe passage up the wet rock, we managed to gain the ridge that took us up Sgurr Dearg, the peak that has InPin as its summit.
The weather by this time was awful and the cloud was right down.
A Viking Day, as Ginger refers to it, and strangely enough a day that brought out the full character of the Cuillins.
Dark, foreboding and slightly spooky.
Just when I thought it couldn't get spookier, I crossed the ridgeline to be confronted by the West side of InPin in all it's scary beauty.
A real jaw dropper.
...and now I have to climb the bloody thing.
Ginger descended the scree slope to make an ascent of the fin so that he could top rope us up the West V.Diff side (I repeat!). A fantastic piece of climbing by the bold Ginge in terrible conditions - a real Ninja.
Well, we had 2 or 3 goes in the lashing rain but the rock was just too slippy to make purchase.
Ginger abseiled down and we decided to forego an attempt at two other local Munros and to get back to the hotel.
Descent was very rapid and was achieved by scree riding the biggest scree slope I have ever seen.
Battered, bruised and dare I say a little relieved, we adjourned to the bar to discuss tomorrow.
An attempt on the 3 hardest Munros, straight out of the hotel door.
... and still the InPin beckons.
Post to follow.
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