I arrived on Monday to what must be the 'Festival of Dog Shit'. They obviously take this very seriously 'dahn saaarf', because every 100 yards there were various specimens laid out on full display.
Some (a tiny minority) obviously hadn't got the hang of the process and were picking their entries up and bagging them before the judges arrived. Not surprising really because competition for the best display was fierce.
If you read this and live in London... don't even consider buying a dog..
Anyway, rant over, I was there to get a my four day qualification to allow me to do the train the trainer course in two weeks. The 4 day FAW course is externally verified and there was a written exam and 3 practical exams at the end of the week.
I went back to REACT First for this course as a) they are really excellent at creating the pressure of a casualty situation and b) they asked me if I'd be a trainer for them.
After various scenarios and to cut a long story short, I passed and now go for the train the trainer course in 2 weeks.
Course covered the following topics, all handled in a practical and pragmatic way:
Vital Signs – breathing, level of consciousness, temperature, colour
Incident Management – a systematic approach to managing first aid incidents
Airway Management – causes and treatment of unconscious collapse
Breathing Problems - choking
Circulation Problems – Internal bleeding, external bleeding and treatment for shock
Damage – treatment of injury: head, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis, leg & arm
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Common Illnesses – angina, heart attack, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy
Burns and Scalds
Awareness of current regulations
Safe best practice
Record keeping – recording accidents, RIDDOR, First Aid kits, disposing safely of clinical waste
Hopefully the festival will be over for my return and the streets returned to usual.
Thanks goes to Charlie at React; a fantastic course held at the Canalside Canoe Centre.